SAS welcomes applications for funding from current members to support a range of activities:

Conference/Event Funding – up to a total of $1000 to help run a symposium, conference or comparable event. Events must be held before the end of the calendar year in which the application is made. The event must promote the Society for Animation Studies in the printed/online materials. The funding is intended to support symposia or academic gatherings that are perhaps smaller than a full conference, or to provide sponsorship to raise awareness of the society at larger events. The SAS Board will give preference to events that are organized by S.A.S. members or which will include S.A.S. members, and also reserves the right to remain flexible in its disbursement of the total funding. See below for details on how to apply.

SIG Funding – up to a total of $1000 to help support SIG-related activities. The SAS Board will give preference to events that are organized by S.A.S. members or which will include S.A.S. members, and also reserves the right to remain flexible in its disbursement of the total funding. See below for details on how to apply.

Emru Townsend Travel Award – up to $500 (in person attendance) / $250 (virtual attendance) to assist members in need of financial support. This  grant has been named in the memory of our dear colleague, Emru Townsend, who remains an inspiration to all of us, for his many efforts promoting the study and appreciation of animation. An annual call for applications will be circulated via the SAS email list during the first half of the calendar year. More info, including past recipients, can be found here.

International Support Fund – up to $500 to support translation costs, to help animation scholarship (existing or new) bridge language barriers, or to support international collaborations (educational residentials, visiting scholar activities, classroom exchanges, etc.). The SAS Board will give preference to initiatives that are proposed by S.A.S. members or which will include S.A.S. members, and also reserves the right to remain flexible in its disbursement of the total funding. See below for details on how to apply.


Application process: Event / SIG / International Support Funding

Applications should be no more than three sides of A4, double spaced, with a font size of 12 or larger, and  care should be given to address the following criteria:

– The Funding stream you are applying for (including SIG affiliation, if any);

– Your name/s (co-applications are accepted, and this can allow members to work collaboratively to access additional funding across the distinct funding streams, but only as discrete combinations. For example, a co-application for two $1000 Event awards for the same event is not permitted, but two or more SAS members can submit an Event award for up to $1000 in combination with a SIG $1000 award and/or International Support Award of up to $500, to provide access of up to $2500 for a collaboratively activity. Such collaborations will need strong justification.)

– A short summary of the purpose and scope of what are planning;

– the name of the applicant who serves as the event/activity organizer (including others who will assist you);

– the location of the event/activity and the dates you propose to hold it/undertake it;

– how you plan to encourage postgraduate participation (if relevant);

– the estimated and itemised budget (to the best of your ability) of the event/activity;

– the relevance of this event/activity to the promotion of animation studies.

Award winners must acknowledge the support of the S.A.S. in all program materials, and must submit a written summary of the event to the S.A.S. newsletter editors. S.A.S branding will be supplied by the board.
We will also help publicise your event through our website and social media channels.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis (but with financial oversight employed by the SAS Board to allocate available funding budget in a prudent manner within the US financial year).

Applicants must send their request by email, adhering to the above guidelines, to: pr*******@an**************.org

All applications will be reviewed by the S.A.S Board.